Akita Debate

Come and vote for the pros and cons of akita here

So, what does this mean? Are akitas aggressive, owners irresponsible, maybe both. What can we do about it?

  • First of all, you people out there considering to get an akita, think twice. Just like every breed it has its pros and cons, we have said it before and we'll keep saying it: "Life with an Akita is not as simple as the 90 minutes movie Hatchiko" you better believe it before it's too late. Did you check the google results screenshot? Take a careful look and reconsider, "Maybe I should get a Lab?"
  • You people thinking to breed your dog and sell the puppies to whoever approaches you, think again. Would you like your puppy to be in google's first page like that?

We love akitas but we hate the irresponsible owners who make every akita dog and owner look bad.